LANSING, Mich. — The Senate Committee on Veterans and Emergency Services on Wednesday took testimony on legislation sponsored by Sen. Rick Outman to annually declare Feb. 1 as Blue Star Mothers Day in Michigan.
“I’ve sponsored a resolution honoring the Blue Star Mothers on Feb. 1 for a number of years and this year, I decided to sponsor legislation to recognize the work they do and permanently acknowledge their dedication in state law,” said Outman, R-Six Lakes. “Blue Star Mothers support our troops, honor U.S. veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice, visit injured service members in the hospital, help care for and provide support to families who have lost a loved one, and many, many more things.
“The good they do around the state and throughout the nation is beyond what I am capable of putting into words.”
Blue Star Mothers of America is made up of mothers, stepmothers, grandmothers, foster mothers and female legal guardians who have a family member serving in the military or children who are veterans. The organization was originally founded in Flint in 1942 and has grown to over 200 chapters from every corner of the nation.
Outman’s legislation would eliminate the need for an annual resolution and would solidify Feb. 1 of every year as Blue Star Mothers Day in the state of Michigan.
“I want to thank Jackie Ransom and Sherry Kramer for coming to Lansing to share more about what this organization does for our nation’s veterans and testifying in committee to keep this legislation moving forward,” Outman said.
Outman’s legislation will continue to take public testimony before the Senate committee. If it receives committee approval, it will go before the full Senate for a vote.
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Photo Caption: State Sen. Rick Outman stands with current Blue Star Mothers of Michigan President Jackie Ransom and Sherry Kramer, former president and current chapter president for the Thumb Chapter of Blue Star Mothers. Joining them is Sen. Kevin Hertel (far left), Sen. Veronica Klinefelt (center) and Rep. Bob Bezotte (far right).